HomeNot So Naughty Cottage cheese/ Curd cookies

Cottage cheese/ Curd cookies

Comments : 1 Posted in : Not So Naughty on by : Ugne

Cottage Cheese/Curd cookies (Gluten Free)


This is one of the traditional recipes made in Lithuania. These cookies are very easy to make and absolutely worth every second spend in the kitchen…

Here, I’m sharing the gluten free version of these gorgeous little treats 🙂

Cinnamon infused, soft in the inside and crunchy on the outside little delights. I twisted the original recipe by adding nutmeg, which for me works beautifully with cinnamon. Well… if Paul Hollywood gave them seal of approval, I think they will be fir for you too 🙂



300g cottage cheese or low fat curd cheese
200g unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
200g gluten free flour
50g rice flour
50g potato starch
1tsp baking powder
0.5tsp Xanthan gum
100g caster sugar, vanilla extract
Pinch of salt and nutmeg
Sugar and cinnamon and egg white for coating


Start with blending cottage cheese to the paste (you can use blender to make things work quicker), add melted butter and mix well.

Preheat the oven to190’C, and line baking sheet with parchment paper.

Pour flours, starch, gum together with sugar, vanilla, salt, nutmeg and baking powder,knead dough. Work the dough well on the worktop slightly dusted with flour until it will all comes together. Rest in the fridge for at least 20-30min (you can leave it in the fridge over night as for preparation in advance).

Dust table with flour and roll out the dough rather thin, up to 3-4mm. Then squeeze the desired size circles (I used a 8cm diameter pastry cutter) but glass or a cup can be used aswell.

Beat egg whites in the bowl. In the large plate mix sugar with cinnamon. Take the circle, bend it half, then in half again and squeeze well the corners using drop of egg wash. brush the cookie with egg whites and pop it in the plate with sugar and cinnamon mixture. When plate is full, coat them all by turning all sides in cinnamon and place on the lined baking tray.

Bake for 15-20 minutes at 190’C, Gas mark 5 oven unlit nicely brown.

take out on the wire rack to cool little bit, and enjoy with nice cup of tea 🙂

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One thought on : 1

  • ava
    January 23, 2019 at 5:38 pm

    just made these and my family loved them!! perfect for a treat in the afternoon 🙂

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