Welcome to Ugne Bakes, your portal to my world of modern, experimental baking!
My fitness lifestyle has certainly influenced the way I approach myBaking! I’m forever pushing the boundaries, defying rules, in order to create healthier bakes and these are the kind of ‘treats’ you can eat on a more regular basis without feeling guilty, greasy or bloated – one can say it is the ultimate indulgence without the usual extreme feeling of guilt!
I will therefore have a page published which is almost exclusively dedicated to the low-fat (”skinny”) recipes, with a growing number of ‘clean’ eating, vegan, and gluten-free options. I am passionate about the fact that I believe that in the modern world we live in, we can make healthier choices that taste just as delicious as their ‘full-fat’, sugar-loaded indulgent counterparts. I aim to show the world that we can indulge and still look good and feel even better just by the way we make healthier choices when we think about baking as we know it.
From My heart- to Your tummy…
And the gloves are off
Contact me on: ugnebakes@gmail.com
48 thoughts
I love your ideas Ugne. I much prefer cakes and bakes which are lower in fat and sugar with just a touch of sweetness from honey, maple or other syrups or dried fruit.
Thank you very much
More recipes to come in the near future
You’re the best Ugnė, best of luck in Bake Off. Sėkmės.
Thank You Charlotte
WOW you’re amazing and I love watching your journey through bake off , good luck in the up coming weeks xx
Thank You :)x
Good luck you’re doing amazing!
Thank You Ryan
Hey Ugne! I love you on the Bake Off. I was intrigued by the cinnamon and curd cheese cookies you had made in episode 2. Could you please share the recipe?
Good Afternoon.
The recipe is here, on my website under ‘Sweet Bakes’
Wow. You’re like Wonderwoman with a Foccacia.. Like an arm-wrestling Santa Claus.. Like a Mrs Beaton lingerie star.. Good luck Ooooooona
Wishing u the best of luck your a brill baker
Thank you
Ugnė, jūs esate geriausias kepėja pasaulyje. Jūsų receptai yra labai išradingi ir labai ypatinga. Sėkmės į „The Great British Bake Off” jūs darote labai gera tai yra puiku žiūrėti jums kepti kiekvieną savaitę. Jūs esate nuostabus. Daug meilės. xxx
Ugne made Lithuanians proud!
Now all my friends will think I can bake…Oh dear…
Thank you. Ačiū. xxx
Thank you for being there for me in this journey
means the world x
Saunuole Ugne! sekmes visur, ir ta grazia sypsena islaikyt
Such a shame you’ve left bake off. Your bakes were always like you – the tastiest looking in the tent!
Thank You Bob, but I will be around, and keep experimenting and improving
I am a huge fan! I love your baking ideas, so sorry you were off The Great British Bake Off Show. One bad bake does not mean you’re a bad cook…keep smiling and keep baking
You did really good! Wanted you to win it! Good luck in your future prospects.
Ugne, you had the best and most interesting ideas this year, and were definitely the most creative on the show. Will you be posting the recipes for your bakes from the show? I especially loved your Lithuanian honey cake jar and cinnamon cookie showstopper. Looked absolutely beautiful and sounded so delicious.
Thank you Daniel
peoples support and follow means a lot.
I will indeed keep baking and continuing the bake off journey even though I’m am not in the Tent. I’m doing bake along every week, and plus adding new recipes all the time. Please keep coming back to see my news and updates.
Thank you
Great ideas and experiments here and on the GBBO – it was great to see a new approach to baking on national TV
I am a keen believer in healthier, tastier baking and the recipes on my website do exactly that too!
Looking forward to more bakes from you….!
Great British Bake off is on Foxtel (Australia) so sad to see you go loved your ingenuity so had to look you up.
Thank You very much
x means a lot! You can follow my journey on FB- UgneBakes and Twitter
Do you bake yourself?
Ugne, I LOVE YOU! You’re an amazing chef and an amazing person! Seriously, you’re the best!
Hi Amber,
Thank you very much for the noce words
The series just finished airing this week in Canada and I thoroughly enjoyed watching you.
Thank you Alan
I am very happy you enjoyed watching
Going to have fun road testing many of these recipes! Thanks Ugne for sharing!
My pleasure, Steve
Have to try your penaut butter ice cream! Keep up the good work!
It is indeed well tasty !
Hello Ugne, just watched you on Netflix in the US. Great job on Bake Off, your bakes were inspired! I was shocked you didn’t go further. Keep up the awesome work!
Thank you Mike
I am looking for low carb recipes do you have any?
There are some low carb protein recipes in the ‘not so naughty section’
Have a browse, I’m sure you’ll find something you like
Ugne,isimylejau Jus,Jusu seima,Jusu desertus,Jusu ,,Saldziaja alternatyva,,-esu Jusu sekeja
Ugne ,isimylejau Jus,Jusu seima,Jusu desertus,Jusu,,saldziaja alternatyva,,,-esu Jusu sekeja,aciu uz idejas
Sirdingai dekoju, Asta
Dear Ugne,
I am from Dallas Texas and we are watching
season 3 of the Great British Baking Show
And my 6 year old little sister is your biggest
fan and when she saw you leave she started
Crying and by the way I myself think you’re
Bakes look amazing and delicious.
Hi Ashna,
Thank you very much for your kind words and am really pleased you enjoying watching the show xxx
Give big a hug and a HI from me to your sister
Ugne xx