25 May, 2016
Protein Chocolate and Coffee Chia pudding

Protein Chocolate and Coffee Chia Pudding
(Gluten Free, Dairy free, Refined sugar free, filled with protein and fiber)
This great pudding gives you all in one- cup of beautifully chocolaty cup of Macchiato and nice wholesome filled with protein breakfast. Great flavor combination with added crunch of cocoa nibs and crushed nuts gives that extra fibrous umf to kick start the day.
For the pudding
50g Chia seeds
35g Chocolate flavoured protein powder ( I used my beloved NRGFuel)
1tsp instant coffee (I used Nescafe Azera)
300ml Unsweetened almond milk
2tsp Sukrin Gold 0cal sweetener
For the layering
3tbsp Macadamia Nut butter from Meridian
Handful of cocoa nibs
And some crushed nuts and dark chocolate of your choice.
Put all pudding ingredients into the larger bowl, mix well, cover with a cling film and place in the fridge over night.
When ready to eat, grab a glass, jar or bowl, put some pudding in it, table spoon of macadamia nut butter and sprinkle some cocoa nibs. Then again some pudding on top and finish it with macadamia nut butter, cocoa nibs and some crushed nuts and shavings of dark 85% chocolate.
Enjoy, as it’s truly divine breakfast and caffeine kick in one bowl.
Or just top it up with your own choice of fruit or berries