14 August, 2015
Truffled Brioche

Truffled Brioche
Our family is obsessed with the French food. Therefore Brioche is one of those amazingly rich and buttery treats I tend to make rather often.
I love the aroma of summer truffle, be it rich truffle-infused sauces or smooth potato mash made with quality white truffle oil…. Taking my love for truffle into account I decided to incorporate this into my Brioche
If you like a bit of a twist to the traditional brioche- please try this, as it will be a great addition to your dinner table leaving your kitchen filled with a fantastic exotic aroma which only truffle brings.
750g flour (t55)
75g sugar
15g salt
9 eggs
30g yeast
450g unsalted butter (cold)
50ml black truffle oil
100g black truffle (chopped)OPTIONAL
Mix flour, sugar & salt together slowly until incorporated well. Add the truffle and oil, then mix again. Dissolve yeast ina little water to make a paste and mix with the day ingredients.
Add the eggs, one by one, on a medium speed Stanf Mixer. Once mixed thoroughly add your cold butter slowly (process takes about 15-20 minutes). The dough should be smooth, elasticated & pale in colour.
Refridgerate the dough over night.
Work the dough in the stand mixer again. Beat it until smooth. It should be very elasticated & you should be abole to see small bubbles of air in the dough. Again this process takes around 10 minutes on a fairly fast speed. You don’t want to get the dough too warm otherwise it will split. But to be honest, unless I am not doing zillion other things in the kitchen at the same time, I prefer working the dough with my hands… feeling it makes this process oh so much more special…
Butter & flour your mould or line with greaseproof and shape the brioche into it.
Prove in a warm place (takes roughly 2-3 hours) It should almost double in size
Brush the tops with egg wash (one egg yolk, tablespoon water & pinch of salt or sugar if you prefer sweeter bread)
Bake at 220 C for 6 minutes, then turn oven to 180 C for a further 18 minutes.
Take out of the moulds & cool, brush tops of loaves with truffle oil while still warm.
Let it cool down and enjoy with know of butter ^_^ yum